Is this a joke? 2017? Holy Smokes? What is going on? Everyday is like a week long, and then at the end of every week I'm like "WHAT? Where did the week go?" I swear we were just jamming to the song 2012, and supposedly the world was supposed to end? sick. now its 2017
Well I hope all have had a relaxing and fun holiday break with your fams and friends(:...... NOW CAN IT BE OVER? Hahah only for missionary work purposes. The work during the holidays is interesting for sure! Everyone is home, but "ain't nobody got time for yew." This week has been fun though. We were told we had to be home at 6 o'clock on New Years Eve, so you know Sister Hernandez and I just cuddled up in bed and watched literally ANY LDS movie that could be found in our home, and we totally sacked out at 10. #themishlifetho. Not even sad about it! The most energy I've had on New Years Day in the history of my life(: However, we do live around 186462121 Latins, so at 12:00 I was awoken from my beautiful slumber to literally World War 3 happening outside our house. I have never heard more fireworks going off in my life and that music tho! They BLAST it! Latins do NOT joke around with their holidays and I LOVE IT! haha
Well we have had a ton of success this week! We are currently teaching three cute little old whipper snapper Cuban grandmas! Haha I LOVE THEM! I literally just want to be Cuban. They kill me. One of them is even a former Jehovah Witness, SO WHAS UP! She LOVES our church. I am so sad though because I do not think I will be in this area still for her baptism as transfers are coming up, such a bummer, but all is well!
The gift of tongues is real though! Cubans literally do not speak Spanish, they speak straight gibberish. They cut off half of their words and talk 116,512 miles an hour, so lets just say, I FEEL SO BLESSED that I have been able to understand and communicate and teach. It is really just such a blessing to me. I just love meeting these people and bringing them the most important message in the world. I JUST LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY.
Quote for the week: "Our ability to hear spiritually is linked to our willingness to work at it. President Hinckley has often said that the only way he knows to get anything done is to get on his knees and plead for help, and then get on his feet and go to work. That combination of faith and hard work is the consummate curriculum for learning the language of the spirit" - Sheri L. Dew. LOVE THIS. We have been each given the ability to hear the Spirit's promptings and voice, and I believe that he has a few different voices with me and everyone, and I am still trying to learn them, and recognize them. But its so important that we are striving to know them. What a blessing the spirit is in each of our lives.
Well I love you all so much! Thanks for all your support you show to me ALWAYS! I am the luckiest gal in the world. I have the BEST family and friends ever, I have no doubt! You are all in my prayers.
Hermana Dimond
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