Man I just love being a missionary.
This was my first full week here in Boynton Beach area and man I just love it! Yes because I got to eat goat this week. I think this is the busiest that I have been my whole mission. We hardly even have any time to study as we are just running from the minute that we wake up until the minute that we go to bed. I sure do love it though. And as much as I miss my little latins and espanol, I really am enjoying being in english and feeling like I can completely be myself. I feel like I have had so many things that I have wanted to try and test in my missionary work and didn't always know how to do them in spanish, and so I am now getting this opportunity and just trying to have everything I do and say be by the Spirit. Sister Staffieri and I have seen just the biggest miracles by doing so. We have been told exactly which doors to knock and we have found people that you just know that like "you knew" before this life. So amazing. Companions are inspired man, I will tell ya that much. For various reasons I KNOW Sister Staffieri and I were supposed to be together at this time. I just love her.
We are still working with Scott, the young guy in the half way house, and it has been amazing to see his life change and his whole countenance.
It was so great to be able to at least watch the Saturday Conference sessions. Wow there was so many great things but just the reoccurring theme I felt like was just being an instrument no matter where you are. I am going to butcher this quote but I love "we often think that we need to be MORE of something for God to use us. It is not based on our abilities, but rather our daily choices." "See when the Lord has acted in your life, and then ACTED again." We have so many opportunities to serve right now. I know that I am so guilty of thinking that I could be doing more somewhere else or with someone else, "if my circumstances were different" but truly there is things to do wherever we are.
I love you all so much. I am sorry this is not a great update, but not too much time today.
Thanks for your prayers and your love and your examples.
Keep Smiling
Hermana Dimond
My loves. Literally our house is a straight party. I seriously havent' laughed so much then with them. Sister Staffieres laugh just brings me joy |
When the freaking christmas stuff is out. Oh barf! |
And the cute LOPEZ FAMILY. Literally I love them. We eat with them like twice a week. They call me their kid. They are from bolivia (: and just the sweetest |
When we ate goat at DEITRA. Literally not a huge fan.. not gonna lie. It was dece . |
When your District Leader Elder Dick brings pop tarts to district training, and a toaster! lol |
MY FAV PEOPLE EVER. We have already wrangled a group together for a camping adventure when we go home (: haha And Sister Murdock. Seriously we about cry every time we see each other. |
And Elder Hafen. Literally my bro. |
Love her! |
The Lopez family again. They made me a Bolivian dish called piquemacho . |
AND SHE literally made me SCOTCHEROOS !!!!! I seriously started crying a little. Sister Staffieri too haha best day ever
A hillarious family night we had with the Brunson family. Literally the most Haitian family with like 20 kids. "pin the heart on Bartameaus" |
Conference joy (: bundles of fun. |
Cute Cherryl. She just showed up at church yesterday after having been less active for like 8 years. We invited her to dinner. She is homeless right now but the sweetest heart. We shared Mosiah 24 with her.
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