What a wonderful week!!! How are you?? (: I sure love Mondays and getting to hear the updates. You are all just wonderful.
Man I am currently writing this letter bundled in my companions sweater. emphasis on the bundled. So when I got the call to Florida I assumed that I would just be HOT all the time so I packed nothing warm, but man, let me tell ya, we have had a good ol "COLD FRONT" move in this week, a whoppin 60 and 70 degrees, and dang shoot I AM SERIOUSLY DYING. I am freezing. Hahaha, I am blaming it on the humidity that is making it colder, but seriously I have realized that I am going to die when I come home. I have realized that I guess I am just a summer gal and that this really is the perfect mission for me. It becomes more apparent each and every day, with each and every person that I talk to. God is good.
Man this week was just too good to me. So many wonderful miracles and things that made me smile. Updates:
-First off, my momma just knows me too well and sent me a good ol' package with a bag of some leaves from the canyon at home. T hat alone just made my week. Although I don't miss the cold too much, I miss the beautiful canyon and the leaves. Everyone go take a drive and enjoy that for me please (: Thanks.
-We had our ward Halloween party. It was bumpin (: you know you are a missionary when you are just way too stoked for your ward chili cook off and trunk or treat.
-This nuts cute old woman named Sally came to church this week with her little walker. She said we are the best dressed congregation that she has ever seen. She even wore her "panty hose". Hahaha, I DIED! So there ya have it kids. The Mormons are the best dressed.
-We went to go visit a woman named Donna that we had met on the street a few days prior. When we got to her home, nobody answered, so we left a note, and felt we should stay in the area. We didn't go far, but after a few houses we decided we guess we should leave. We got into the car and drove past Donna's house one more time and this time she was standing outside. I made Sister Staffieri pull over and we jumped out and talked to her. She said she felt so bad but that she couldn't talk right then as she was racing to go pick up her grandchildren, but she got to her car and there was no gas. (dun dun dun dun) We couldn't drive her in our car, but she gave us money and a gas tank thing and we went and filled her up some gas. She was so appreciative and now we are going back to teach her. God's timing is perfect. And a little service doesn't hurt ya either.
-While Sister Staffieri and I were knocking this week we knocked a cute Haitian Creole mans home and he did not speak one lick of English. But when he saw us he said, "Mormons." I was like "YES YES" hahah just trying to communicate. After trying and then failing, I knew this man had either heard of the Church or wanted to or maybe was a member, and we just couldn't leave his house without finding out. So I brought in back up. I whipped out our shnazzyyy slide phone and called up the Creole Elders and had them talk to him. Turns out he is a less active member, wanting to come back. The Elders are now working with him to help him come back. SO AWESOME. Thank you gift of tongues and cellular devices that's all I'm saying!
-ROBERT GOT BAPTIZED!!! Even during the tropical storm! (: MIRACLES. (The whole night there were tornado warnings... which caused a few members not come to the baptism) but it was such a special night. One I will not forget and I hope that he never does either. I just love that kid. He will be the best missionary.
-Well one of the best Sundays of my mission happened yesterday. So this week we got a referral from one of my members up in the West Palm Beach ward but we didn't really get any information on what he wanted. Like if he wanted a Bible or a Book of Mormon or to meet with us. So we called this guy, John Lee, and talked to him over the phone and he was just the most awesome guy. A single dad who is trying to work two jobs right now and just be able to buy a house to make a more suitable life for his kids. He said he really wanted to learn more about our church, but he just wanted to get his life a little more in order to be able to do so. We told him we totally understood, but we invited him to church and hoped he would come. The next morning goes by and we go to church, AND JOHN CAME, and he loved it! Every talk was seriously so perfect for him and his situation. Even the songs. They were the songs his mom used to sing him. He is the coolest dad and one of our members invited him over for dinner this week, so we will see him there. (: It was just another testimony to me that God knows every single one of his children so perfectly, and cares enough to even do the little things. It makes me want to do not just the big things, but the little things more.
I love being a missionary. I am just smiling with happiness and feel so blessed for the miracles that I get to be apart of everyday.
I love you all so much have the best week!!!
Your freezing goon Hermana Dimond
Beautiful food! |
Oh the beautiful food of Florida! |
And then the real feelings - lol - thats us, take a good look kids! |
Sister Osbourne. Wow, it's been a hot min! |
And Zone Conference (: I love my friendssss |
More from Zone Conf |
Mommaaaa your the besttttt |
My cute little members at ward correlation |
And Brother Harms took us out to panera for din bless his soul! |
The cold front lol Had to whip out the sweaters |
This also calls for the second ever trip to Starbucks |
And we found an acai place!!! On our exchange (::: Sister Thurman and I just buds
The Halloween partttyyy |
Yes we had to dress up |
It was the best we could come up with. We are nast!
The Packs. They go home this week. |