FAM!!!!! what the heck? It is so weird even writing an
email this week because I just got to talk to ya yesterday! AND THAT WAS THE
BEST THING EVER!!! Wow I just loved seeing your cute faces. You
truly make me just want to be better and work harder.
as well, I hope all my cute mamas had a wonderful Mothers Day yesterday!
week was UNREAL. So many fun things happened, it really was just a bumpin
few highlights:
HALF WAY. EW! What the heck? Time is just going by so fast.
Time is just the weirdest thing. I don't even know how many times I
say that sentence in a day.
Bingham and I locked our keys in our car this week. Yep. What's
new? At least we did it in the church parking lot. So we were
stranded for the night without a car, because Elder Seipert, the vehicle
coordinator, couldn't drive all the way up here until the next morning to break
into it. He is such a good man. Literally the most tender soul.
Hahah! You could tell he was just like "you girls are so
dumb," but he's so kind he would never say anything.
are still teaching Lourdes, Veronica's daughter, and she is getting baptized on
SATURDAY!!!!! She is seriously just one of my best friends. The most elect 16 year old ever!!!! Well
just an experience that I want to share real quickly. Probably one of my favorite experiences ever.
We go over and are teaching her the Plan of Salvation right? And she just understands everything, for some
reason, everything just clicks for her. But
we get to the three Kingdoms of Glory, and all the sudden her pregnant cat
starts crying. We look around to try and
find her, and low an behold, the cats stinking water broke. HAHA, we start freaking out because the cats
just running around leaking everywhere, then her huge dog is trying to attack
the cat, so Sister Bingham and I are trying to control the dog and also use
Siri to find out "what to do when a cat is giving birth,” but we literally
cannot use technology anymore so we were useless. Hahah, it was probably the funniest five
minutes. I just wish I could have been a
fly on the wall. Any who, after much
commotion, we watched her cat give birth to four little baby kittens. Oh presh.
Hahha hands down the best Plan of Salvation I have ever been apart of.
(the lesson.. TBC) But Lourdes is the
best. She tells us every time we go
over, all the people that she is talking to about the "Mormon
church". She is seriously just
being a missionary already, and she is just the biggest example to me. I love her.
we had kind of a crazy week with Linette. It was just a roller roaster of emotions with
her. She was supposed to get baptized on Saturday, but due to one
problem, she has decided to wait, because she wants to be "completely
ready" and show God that she is committing 100%. (This is a Law of Chastity
problem that is way too long of a story that I am not even going to go into.
But long story short, she is living this commandment, but she just needs to
marry her partner back in Puerto Rico legally. She won’t be going back for a
few more months, so therefore just a slight setback...) I was so heartbroken at first, as I just KNEW
that she needed this right now (okay but lets be real, WHO DOESN'T just need
baptism right now? haha), but it honestly has been the most humbling
experience. Hearing Linette pretty much bear her testimony to us, and hearing
how seriously she is taking this baptism, just made me realize how much
stronger of a member she is going to be in the long run. She told me, “I will be baptized, and you will
be there. And when I go through the temple, you will be there too." I hope
and pray that I am not there for her baptism, even though I would give anything
to be, but I just hope she doesn't wait that long. I have really realized from this experience
though, that the Lord just has his timing for everything. Linette is trusting
in his timing, and I need to trust in his timing and his will more. In her
words, "I know the Lord has the paintbrush in his hands, and he is
painting me a beautiful picture." She is really just something so special.
I have learned so much from her. I cannot even explain the joy when I see
sweet Linette enter the Lords house in Puerto Rico. She is SO SPECIAL!!!!!! I am truly changed
because I have met Linette. So glad Sister Bingham and I have been together to
share these experiences.
I had the most special birthday ever. I have never felt so loved in my life.
Thank you all so much for your sweet words and emails and letters. I am
seriously the luckiest gal in the whole world. A day I will never forget cuz ahhh (never been
sung happy birthday by a Mariachi band before) (:
all the best! Keep smiling and have the best week!
Hermana Dimond
The second doc visit that we have had. We don't walk out of there without our stickers! |
My cute District surprised me with a bday party for district training! I love them |
Sister Bingham and I. AH I DONT WANT TO LEAVE HER. |
Our district won the zone challenge, so we got to egg our Zone Leaders. Drilled them. |
HAHHAHAHA Elder Lewis, just protecting what he treasures most ! |
Tryin out the dark on Sister Bingham (: I think she should go for it . |
Veronica got a new ride. Itook her for a spin (: that thing mobs |
Sister Bingham decortated our room when I was asleep. Woke up to her jumping on me and the other sisters ran and and sang HAPPI BDAY (: #happiballoons |
Sister Aquino calls me over and tells me she has something for me. She is literally the sweetst human. Hahah I commented on her pencil skirt one sunday, so she got me TWO REALLY TIGHT pencil skirts that are just SOO missionary worthy (: |
Linette threw me and her daughter a party. HOW CUTE IT SHE????? I LITERALLY DONT DESERVE ANY OF THIS. I just love her. She got me this cute bag, because she saw my tribal looking scripture case. She's the best |
The zone leaders had our comp study with them at Lakeworth pier. hahahah they love us most. |
hahah mom the cake you sent. We went over to Lourdes to make it, so that we could take it to the ward party. So basically yeah...... I am going to be the worst mom. That is literally a soup cake. |
And you think im not getting fed enough mother..... |
The little band singin happy bday to me. I was so uncomfortable that I didn't know what to do, so I just started dancing around (: I may have been on a few snap stories. |
hahhaa THE SHIRTS!!! I made Sister Bingham wear it with me! Mom these are literally for you . |
The next party hahhaha. |
The MONTEROS!!!!! the fam i skyped at! I love them so much ! |
THE ORELLANAS! One of the fams we are going back to! I LOVE THEM. |
Hahhahaha This nasty thing crossing the road. A snapper turtle I guess is what its called. |
Jaque. The man below us that brings us the coconuts every week. Just a pure Haitian. |
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