HEYOOOO! Another great week down here in the depths of Florida! My word, time is just flying! I literally think I will be saying that for the rest of my mish! But its true! I hope all of you are doing so good though and enjoying every day (:
This week was just full of good times!! So busy! But I honestly love it that way! It is the best feeling in the world, to lay down at night, just so exhausted (my body is being wrecked lol), and remember everything that you were able to accomplish that day. Being able to just reflect, and see the hand of the Lord throughout the whole day, its seriously so rewarding. Everyday is so rewarding.
Well comedy highlight of the week: (well this shouldn't really be comedy but) had my first police helicopter spotlight encounter this week!!! Literally the helicopter was so close, just hovering right over our heads. I think they thought we were who they were looking for, because they kept shining the spotlight RIGHT on us. Real comforting (:! knowing the criminal was near (: (: but hey. There is a first for everything! Being spotlighted by the cops from the sky... CHECK.
Well my District and Zone is just KILLING it right now! We are doing the best out of the whole mission, which is SO AWESOME! I seriously love everyone that I am serving around! They have become like family to me! So when we had transfer calls last night, I was so sad because I didn't want to leave them all, but luckily I am staying in this area for another transfer!! Some are staying here with me too which I am so excited about! My cute mom (trainer Sister Cottrell) is leaving, but I am so excited to see who else she is going to bless! She is amazing! I am just really excited to see what this new transfer brings! They are opening the Keys again this transfer, so they will be in my district which will be super fun! They are so far down, that they have to Skype into all the trainings. Hahaha poor things are just banished down there.
Well I absolutely love this area. The missionaries, the members of my ward, my investigators, just everyone. This sweet family in my ward, the Sants, literally have taken us in haha. This Sunday Sister Sant made us Café Rio for dinner and they gave us Christmas PJ's (so basically just like if I was in Utah:). They are so sweet and it is just the best feeling to know that I am being watched out for here, and have so many amazing people supporting me at home as well. I feel so blessed.
We are working with a really sweet family right now from Cuba as well. When we showed them the Light the World video, they lost it! That video is amazing! I've said it once, I'll say it again!
A quote from this week that I loved, "Shallow acceptance to the gospel does not have the power to cope with the full furry of the powers of darkness." JUMP INTO IT! BE FULLY IMMERSED!
Well sorry this is the worst email ever! I just have so many pictures, that I will just have my letter be more of a picture-explaining email. (: Way better then reading my dumb explanations anyway right? (:
Thanks for all the love everyone! I really could not feel more blessed! I have the best family and friends ever!
Happy Holidays! xoxox
Hermana Dimond
Tommy. Just my fav investigator full of 4 teeth and lots of love (: |
Where we taught the lesson. Good grief. K and is this other guy Carol, not Bill Nye the science guy? I mean come on! |
My goofy district! We won our zones challenge for this transfer (DUH:) So we got the flag and some Brazilian pie from Elder Souza |
MY CUTE ZONE!!!!!! |
Victory man! |
When you chilling stopped at a stoplight, and the car next to you literally starts on fire.... yeashhhhhh! |
Our ward Christmas PARTY!! |
Sister Oram! Probably the house I will be Skyping from for Christmas She's the best |
The Stake YW pres. SHE's insane I feel so bad for her! I don't know how she does it!!!! |
Addys Cardernas! She just got home from Ecuador from her mish!! She comes out with us(: literally the cutest! |
Yenni Martinez. The one we reactivated (: |
When are Part Member Fam invites you and the Elders over to watch Meet The Mormons... UM HECK YES. These couches are literally comfier then my bed! Best night ever! |
We FINALLY got to go visit Dorothy in Homestead! They found out where her cancer is coming from and she starts a form of treatment this Friday! She is literally an angel. She just makes me bawl. They said that all she wants to do is go back to church. She said "I know it is Gods will that I will go back through the doors of the church. Whether I walk or am rolled in there, I WILL go again." I am literally in love with her! I see that there was no coincidence that she was able to find the gospel and be baptized only like three weeks before finding out about her cancer. God really is amazing. |
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