FAM AND FWENDS! Hello!!! Happy Holidays! I hope you all had as great of a Christmas as I did! (: It was soo special getting to talk with my family! That day really put things into perspective for me just really what Christmas is really about. CHRIST and family. I feel so blessed! The week was full of all things Christmas though. We were able to have a big Mission Christmas Conference. It was so fun to do the big white elephant exchange, as it made me feel like I was just right at home with the annual GUS FAMILY party gift exchange. They played so that you could steal three times and after the present would be locked. I couldn't help but get a little too into it, and thought of all of my fellow GUS FAM. (: You know I just kept stealing everyone's gift, to just make the game a little more interesting. Too fun! Christmas Eve, we also got to have a sleepover with two other sisters, and put all our beds together, just like we do at home on Christmas Eve. So pretty much, it was like I was in Utah(: ya know, other than the fact I ate rice and beans on Christmas, and I walked outside and it was 80 degrees. Haha!
This week was great though! Everyday I learn new things. I am really trying to take advantage of this time with Sister Hernandez and just trying to get my espanol. Haha, slowly but surely! I really love being her companion, as she has been out much longer than I have, and every day I learn new things from her. That is what I love about the gospel as well. It is a never ending learning process.
This week I read a quote that I loved (obviously I love quotes too much, its fine) but I just wanted to share it. L Tom Perry said, "The word disciple comes from the Latin meaning or word, a learner. A disciple of Christ is one who is learning to be like Christ, learning to think, to feel, and to act, as he does. To be a true disciple, to fulfill that learning task, is the most demanding regimen known to man. No other discipline compares... in either requirements, or rewards. It involves the totally transformation of a person from the state of the natural man to that of a saint, one who loves the Lord and serves with all his heart, might, mind, and strength."
I am so far from perfect, but each day I learn a little more about myself and about our Savior, and my calling as one of His representatives. I feel so blessed to hold the most powerful calling here on earth, to be trusted with Gods precious children. And that is my goal for this upcoming new year, 2017, to become a better disciple, to serve him with ALL my heart, might, mind, and strength, to become the person that HE wants me to become!
I hope you are all getting excited for this New Year! Although we should always be striving to be better, use this new year as a new start to something you have been striving to increase. Through the Lord and diligent effort, He will help you.
Well I am sorry this is such a random email and not much of an update, but I have SO many pictures, that I am going to use them to tell my email this week(: Sorry in advance as well for how many there are. Barf.
I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. I cannot believe how blessed I am to have you all in my life! Never forget how much I love you. But more importantly how much our Savior loves you!
Have a great week and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Hermana Dimond
We currently have a bug infestation. They were coming out the vents. Oswald, our exterminator is on it though (: |
Met a cute Mariachi man. He serenaded me! |
Oh elders. they literally spent like a hunna on these suits |
Sis Healy and I (: |
My District Leader Elder Johnson |
Everyone going ham getting their presents! |
Merry Christmas! |
SIS H mah gurl | | |
<3 |
Was able to attend Dorothys Funeral. Amazing! |
The graveside service |
Sister Healy and I making our part at the NOCHE BUENA dinner (: |
Us kids |