Tuesday, December 26, 2017

"Another day another weave snatched" Elder Couillens


Seriously what is life.  I am not fully in my very last transfer of the mission and slightly panicking but doing swell.  I am still here on good old Boynton Beach which is just the most inspired thing.  These people are seriously my family here.  I said bye to Sister Staffieri (so dumb but there may have been some tears shed. Won't see her until she gets home... too weird.  She is just my bestest bud.  Miss her and welcomed in Sister Napier.  She is great.  We are very different in many things but very similar others.  She has a very similar interest as I do as to what I want to study and do after the mission so I am just 100% sure that this is why we were put together.  Not that I am getting all trunky but I sure have avoided for quite a while now what I would like to study, where I want to go etc, and she's a gem, listening to all my thoughts and helping me sort through my nuts brain. I've been praying for quite a while now about it all and really have just received the answer, don't worry about it yet it will all work out.  So I just didn't worry, and now Heavenly Father is putting specific people in my path which I am very grateful for. 

This week was a little interesting as far as the work goes as everyone is just in the Christmas mode and not really wanting to talk about Christ, ya know the thing that is most important, but they were sure much more receptive than last year. We still saw many wonderful miracles and had a few lol experiences:

-The Creole Elders found a family with 9 children and they are all from Haiti so they were teaching them, but they found out the kids would much rather prefer being taught in English, so they had Sister Napier and I come over and we got to meet them and do a pass off lesson.  This family is so cool and the children are so elect.  About a year ago missionaries came to their home and taught them and they went to church a few times, however, the parents were not very interested and they work Sundays so the kids never got to come back.  But for this entire year that no missionaries have been visiting them they have been reading in the Book of Mormon every day.  They have it highlighted and marked and have been praying for a way that they would be able to come to church.  The oldest three are the ones that we are really going to work with, at least start with, because 9 is a lot. good grief a lot.  But we are so excited. The parents are very supportive of them going they are just not wanting to change at this time. We are still trying to figure out all the logistical things, because we are not about to baptize ANYONE who will not get to remain active and stay that way. 

-After that crazy nuts lesson the Elders and I had to use the bathroom so we went to Subway and as we walked out we definitely witnessed three girls just going at it punching each other.  Some weaves were lost, some videos were taken in the parking lot from pedestrians, and the cops showed up.  Oh Florida, as elder Couillens, just my bestest pal says, "another day another weave snatched."

-Went to go knock doors one day so we began by praying as usual and as we opened our eyes we look out of the car and on the road next to our car this 30 year old man was lying on the ground looking at us and smiling with his leg in an "L" position going up and down and then he starts dancing around our car.?  Yep.  Hahahah, that is one i won't forget. 

-Walked into Walmart Sister Napier's first night here to grab a few essentials and thank you to my tiny bladder we ended up walking past this guy at just the right time.  We walked past and he goes, "Hi Sisters."  I had never met him before but he began to tell us that he was part of a YSA branch down in Davie and that he served a mission and is the only member in his family but he really wanted us to start working with his mom and siblings who live here in Boynton Beach.  So we got her number and their address and are going to try that this week.  Super awesome. 

- And then the week just ended wonderful.  Wow yesterday was just the best day ever.  The most special Christmas!  There was such a different feel here than last year in the mission.  The Garns really strived to make it special for us so we got to all go together and have a mission conference Christmas Eve.  We decorated gingerbread, we all dressed up and did the nativity, we met Santa, sang carols, and did a big mighty prayer together.  So wonderful.  Then Christmas day the ward just made sure we were extra taken care of with Christmas breakfast where we got to watch them open presents, we read the Christmas story, we had dinner.  They even killed it down to the "fake snowball fight".  Oh I just love them.  It was so wonderful to talk to my sweet friends/family as well.  Right after we hung up I realized I don't think I even let a breath go bye.  I think I talked the whole time.  I could have just talked for hours.  So so grateful.  It was the best motivator to just GO HARD these next few weeks. I LOVE YOU FAM. bless you 

Well thanks so much for all the support and love and cards and wishes that I received. I am just so happy.  Hope you all had the most special Christmas.  Enjoy this New Year!

Hermana Dimond

Boynton Beach Cuties

Some saying goodbye pictures

Christmas Dinner
Chinese Dinner with Jenney

BARF - Not sure I am ready for this.

Christmas Eve

The deer suit I got as a White Elephant gift!

Elder Dick reading the scriptures for us!

Our Christmas breakfast.

Christmas Eve!

The District.

Elder Loftus definitely sprained his ankle biking Christmas Eve, 
poor fella!

The fake snowball fight.  Not gonna lie a straight party! 

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