Dearest friends and fam,
I love you so much and I wish
emailing time was longer so I could actually feel like I could truly express my
thoughts and feelings out here, truly be able to tell the spiritual and amazing
miracles that I am so fortunate to be able to witness each and everyday, and
just to be able to express my absolute love for each one of you. Hitting one
year out in the mission field this week was just such a bittersweet thing. I am
freaking out because it is going too fast, but I just feel so overwhelmed with
love and gratitude. I am so thankful for all of you and just the love and support
that you guys have given me; the emails, the letters, the prayers, your LOVE,
just everything. Man I am just the
luckiest gal in the whole dang world. (: I feel so grateful to have been able to have
been a missionary for this last year of my life, and I cannot wait for this
future six months and what it has in store. GUNS ABLAZIN kids.
week was just quite the eventful one to say the least lol:
had a good old allergic reaction to some unknown mysterious thing this week. It has happened a few times out here, but
this one just happened to take my throat with it haha. Normally it is just my eyes and things that
puff up, but when the throat started closing off, that is when I was like,
"ya I guess the hospital is probably necessary right now huh?" God is so good that luckily the appointment
that we were driving to, when it happened, just bailed. God knows what he is doing. BUT SHOUT OUT to Sister Murdock for being a
Florida driver on Tuesday and just mobbin us through Hialeah speedy
quick. Haha, she is amazing. She just went mom mode on me. Love her to death. We put the nearest hospital in the GPS and it
leads us to just this old pink straight Cuban hospital. Hahaha, we get in there, I look like straight
ET, and this man is just trying to take my information. He asks me some questions, and is doing it in
English and I LITERALLY cannot understand him, after him repeating it like 5
times I kindly just asked if we could do it in Spanish before my throat just
gave out. Hahaha, but all is well! We got some drugs, and after a few hours in
there I was well on my way.
had Zone Conference this week which was just the best thing in the entire
world. I am literally obsessed with President and Sister Garns. They are legit my parents away from home. They are just a breath of fresh air. But this last week WE FOUND OUT THAT WE ARE
GOING TO BE ABLE TO GO TO THE TEMPLE AND DO A SESSION. TWICE A YEAR! Sister Garns just fought so hard for that for
us. Sister Bingham couldn't help but
just want to cry. When I talked to
Sister Garns about it, the temple people I guess didn't want it to happen, as
they said our purpose as missionaries is to work with those that are living. Her sweet response, "these kids, MY
missionaries ARE the living." How
grateful I am for her that we are going to get to have the spiritual upliftment
out here. (We are going September
15, so that Friday will actually be my pday that week, just a heads
up mamacita).
week we had a really cool experience. We went to go visit this less active, who
told us to come two hours later. After
visiting other people, we went back two hours later to see her, and
she wasn't home. We were super bummed,
but I felt super strongly to go up one floor on this apartment complex, so we
went up, and I just was led right to this one door. We knocked it and met Kevin and his wife. He was very very Cathloic, but we had a very
civil conversation, and it ended well. It
ended crazy actually. His wife decided to tell us that she is actually a less
active member of our church. We were so
shocked. But we kept talking and left on
a good note. But as we were walking away
from the door, we just felt like we hadn't shared all that we needed to. So feeling a bit awkward, without knowing what
to say, we walked back up to their door, and shared a message with them, which
ended up leading to the Sacrament. I
don't know why Heavenly Father needed us to share that specific thing with
them, but I am so grateful for his perfect knowledge, because although I don’t
know why, he does. The Spirit was so strong, and who knows what will happen to
that sweet family, but we left knowing we did exactly what God wanted us
many other amazing miracles I wish I had the time to write. BUT I am happy to say that transfer calls were
last night, AND BLESSINGS FROM ABOVE I AM STAYING IN HIALEAH!!! AND WITH SISTER MURDOCK!! HAHAHAHA ah best thing ever. Literal tears shed lol. Basically we are living the dream. AND even better!! S ISTER BINGHAM, my trainee,
FOUND OUT SHE IS GOING TO TRAIN! and so we will still all get to live together!
SO FUN! Can hardly wait for this transfer! Things are amazing. I am so happy.
thing I wanted to share that I heard this week is just these two quick
equations. As I have pondered them this week I have received so many answers to
ME +
ME +
can give and we can give, and we always need to do more and more, that is true,
and sadly it will still never be enough. And that is hard. I have found that out each and every day. But it isn't until we truly understand that
Christ has to be part of the first part of the equation, that we will be truly
happy. When we use the enabling power of the atonement.
know why but just felt prompted to share.
love you all millions! Have a wonderful week!
Just had to take a pic of all the cars. lol when nobody parks in the actual stall so that we can just pull out and nobody has to back each other out. |
Sister Bingham and Sister Smith. Some of my absolute favorite people in this world. |
Just last weeks fun pday activity. By the end of this we are just going to have every countries jersey lol |
My homie Elder Hafen |
Elder Mar |
When Sister Kutomi makes just a FAT YUM KEY LIME PIEEEEEE (: |
WE HIT A YEAR KIDS!!!!!!! The dream team!!! Us four came out together! The Smiths and Sis Murdock. Homies for life |
And just my favorite Lone Peak homie, ELDER STARLEY |
Its literally the best thing to see all the missionaries at zone conference |
Just the yum food that we ate that happened to be right before the allergic reaction lol |
And the good ol virgin mary plasticos hahah. This is legit the tupperware that our food came in from a member. |
AND THEEEEE REACTION hahahhahaa cute Brother Inza came for support. |
In the Cuban hospital |
Our ward mission leader Brother Baderas (: just a good guy. He literally looks 5. He gave me my future career this week! He said that I have so much pep and sass (only with him don't fret lol) and voices that I need to be an actor and make millions lol |
After a fire exchange with some of our sisters, we went out to dinner with them to a florida special, FLANIGANS (: this is the cutest trio ever. It made me want to serve in a trio! |
The beautiful LARKIN hospital folks lol hahahha bless this ghetto places heart |
Had to go back in the day to just see its glory |
And the best shirt ever. Hahahha, I died! Thanks for the cutest best package! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!! |
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