Alright so I have about 47382974382743298 photos to send home, so I'm going to do that first this week, so that I can make sure I send them, because I never have enough time as I always save it for the end, and now I'm like 4 weeks behind hahah SHOCKER! Just a day in the life, am I right ? (: Plus i know everyone just loves pictures more then my stupid letters anyway! Hahaha I always leave the library and am just like "hahha, what did I even just write? Those poor people probably think I am thee worst missionary with not one spiritual experience."
Hahah, I promise I have investigators and am actaully doing missionary work, it is often just so hard to actually explain what it is like to be out here and just like update the people that I am working with. But I am loving it all, and am writing all those spiritual thigns down too. I will try and be better and makin the letters a little more spiritual based. (: This is just my time to be me ya know (: anywho. Here I got off again. I'm done.
That pastor lady that totally just macked with my face, HAHAHA BARF! |
Sister Brown's recent convert VICTOR. He made us ALL a cuban lunch (: sucha cool man with such a cool story. |
I'm a fan of the pines, but I'm lovin these palms! |
I FINALLY SAW THE beachhh!!!! |
Thought of cute cam cam and the whole richey clan at this street sign (: #HAPPI |
One of our zone activities. Chillin' with the district. |
Killin' it with the minute to win it games! |
The zone leaders promised us that if we hit a certain amount of new investigators for the week as companionships, we would get to PIE them (or shaving cream them, ain't no missionary got the money for pie lol) in the face. SISTER BROWN and I were one of the only companionships of the zone that got it, SO WE PROUDLY pounded them in the face (: |
I've had my fair share of shaving cream fights in my day, I didn't let them off the hook too easy. |
ELDER MAR. Literally the biggest goober! |
Juan and Carlos. Our new names. J chillin' in west palm beach. So much rice and beans were becoming full latin (::(:(:: |
Very acquainted with every public restroom. We know all the best ones (: |
Just a sweet member treatin' Sister Brown and I for her BDAY. Felt like home! |
THIS is probably why it felt like home (AKA MOTHER:) Don't worry I made sure they sang nice and loud to her ! |
Gonna let ya in on a little secret. The real reason people say missionaries are just "glowing" lol. Sister Leslie and I. |
Stake conference! Got us all. Spanish gals, English gals, and the Creole elders! We're just missin' some Portugese |
Havin' a little fun to celebrate my gal SISTER BROWN AND HER 20th BDAY!!!!! (:(:(: |
THE SISTER DIMOND AND BROWN WESTERN ACCENT DUO. Gonna miss this gal. This transfer has FLOWN |
The V day/ Sis Brown day festivities. I made all the elders dress up (: thanks mama for the swaggin glasses)
But how NAST is this photo. The bachelor should really consider using it that's all I'm gonna say. |
My cute little PENEDA family!! I am obsessed with them! They are the ones we found my very first night here(: We had a FHE with them and some families from the ward and we made PAPUSAS. The grandma was just freaking out that I wanted to learn how to make them and was so impressed with mine (hahahha don't be fooled THEY SUCKED) but she just kept showing them to everyone, and kept them on a separate plate. Hahah! My Bishop,Bbishop Vilorio, was the brave one and he wanted to try one of mine (: not too shabby. Looks like I'm ready to hit El Savaldor |
Sandras (the mom) father. The cute man knows my love for fruit, so fresh picked me some of his passion fruit from his back yard. Heart eyes for litlle MANUEL. |
Paintin' the crib. MAN this has been a project. We have spent so many days dejunking and cleaning this house as it was nast and they wanted to repaint and carpet it all! BUT IT IS LOOKIN REAL GOOD(: and we are almost done! Now I just pray that I stay in this area so I can enjoy the fresh new house. |
My fav cute little stl SISTER EVANS. She goes home next week. Sad face. But love her! We went on an exchange this week. |
Utah is a small world., okay mormon life is a small world. This guy was totally from my home stake, and happened to be here for spring training for baseball so stopped at our ward. Love it. Had a good talk with him. |
BEST SURPRISE EVER LAST NIGHT. I went on an exchagne with Sister Adams, and went to the area BOCA. The whole day we had just been having a party together and she had told me that we were going to just a chill little FHE that night. I didn't think anything of it. As soon we were driving there, Sister Adams just bursts out "i can't hold it in any longer. We are freaking going to like the biggest house you are ever going to see. We are going to the Ft. Lauderdale Temple President's (the Boggess couple) house for dinner and for the FHE" hahaha I just started freakin out and we pull up to this straight up mansion!!. They are the sweetest couple, and totally just let us take a tour and make oursevles at home(: So best day ever to go on an exchange! Met the sweet temple presidents and ate of their DELISH food. Probs the best I will ever eat my whole mission. |
Inside the MANSION lol |
Apparently they know Sharon and Dave Berry in our ward! |
Sorry for the absolute OVERLOAD! Holy smokes! I didn't realize how many pics I had! Well I may not even send a group email this week hahaha! I think this is enough to make you never want to see my face again lol. I LOVE YOU ALL!! HAVE THE BEST WEEK!
Hermana Dimond