Hola my fellow familia and amigos !! que pasa mufasas ??
I hope your week was all just fantastic!!! Here in the ghetto things have been SO GREAT! But if there was anything that I have learned out here on my mission, it is that I never ever ever want a dog. Yep. Mom and Dad, you heard correctly. Hahah! If I could have a dollar for every time someone wouldn't open their door because of their giant nasty dog, I would literally have paid for my mission. And this week, we literally sprinted from an attacking Pitbull!!! HAHA one day we went to go knock on a door, and out of no where this pitbull comes flying out ready to straight attack us. I don't even think twice and just start sprinting and Hermana Cottrell just starts sprinting right behind me in just the most ghetto neighborhood you have ever seen! Hahha I wish someone could have filmed it because that is a memory I would like to rewatch!!! Luckily it stopped after like three houses down the street but too good! Ya dogs are just so nasty and annoying and I am convinced I never want to see one again.
Okay I know that will be false the second I get home. but for now, that is my statement (:
Well this week was also full of great things! I was eating at a members house this week and totally swallowed a bone that was in the chicken (:(:(:(:(: The member was Latino so when I'm like freaking out in English, she is like freaking out in Spanish. But It was just a small bone so totally fine, but definitely chilled in my throat for a good few hours until the nurse told me to eat lots of bread and just jump up and down!! Literally hated that thought but did it and now I am bone free (: (:
The weather is also becoming UNERAL here now. It is literally perfect! Like no humidity any more and just like low 80s. I AM IN HEAVEN!!!
Well on a more spiritual note... WE HAD OUR FIRST BAPTISM!!! Cute little Dorothy! It was thee most special day! I am so happy for her. As I watched her come out of the water, it just confirmed to me again, THIS IS WHY I AM HERE. This is what it is all about. Bringing souls unto Christ! ah so great! She is still just continuing to progress and I am so happy to get to continue to progress with her!
One quote I just wanna share that I loved this week. It is a quote from Joseph Fielding Smith. He said, "As Spirits in the pre earth life, we developed worthy characteristics that showed our abilities. God observed our progress and gave us responsibilities according to our faithfulness... He knew not only what each of us COULD do, but what each of us WOULD do, when put to the test, and when responsibility was given to us." We have specific things we are here to do! God knows what we have the ability to do! That's why we pass through the trials that we do, that why we are given the responsibilities that we have, BECAUSE WE HAVE ALREADY PROVED TO GOD. He knows us perfectly. Try to get to know him a little better this week.
I love you all!! Have the bestest week!!!! Enjoy the fall for me and I will enjoy the sun for you(:
Hermana Dimond
The ghetto. |
The cute teen I'm teaching. |
Dorothy |
Another pic from the baptism. |
When the JW's come at you.... |