Well WOW. WHAT A WEEK! I slightly don't even know where to begin this week of events. It was just a wonderful, exciting, eventful, fun filled week to say the least. WARNING THIS IS JUST GROSSLY LONG SO PLEASE JUST DELETE IF YOU DONT CARE, hahaha, so sorry in advance!
Here are some highlights:
-Got to be in a trio for the weekend (: Sister Bingham needed to go to the mission home for a little bit so Sister Beckstrand (enlglish missionary) got to tag along with us for a few days (: We also got to attend 8 hours of church on sunday, our ward and the ysa ward! Just a party. I would have way too much fun if I served YSA.
-This week we held our first ever English class in our ward!!! (: We have decided that it would be such a great way to help out our members, as so many of them just so badly want to learn English, and also so that they can be able to bring their non member friends into the Church. We had a great turn out of 4 hahaha, but honestly it was so fun and for no advertisements at all, the first week was a success! Holy smokes tho. I just regained the biggest appreciation for the gift of tongues. MAN! I forgot how it feels to be right at the beginning of learning a new language and just wanting to RIP your hair out!! IT'S SO HARD! hahaha. I cannot even imagine Chinese. I just feel so grateful for the help and patience that Heavenly Father has given me to be able to communicate with these wonderful people here. I have just always had such a connection with the Latin culture, that I just feel so blessed to be able to connect with them, and bring them the Gospel, the most important thing in my life. Just two for one. Heavenly Father is incredible. Now in know way am I Latin, but he helps me get by.
-One of our members this week gave us a referral which was awesome! We decided to meet them by having our first lesson at the church and giving them a tour! It turned out awesome. The dad wasn't too down, but the teenager son Ramon is just this old soul, and LOVED IT. We are excited to keep working with him. He has only been here like 3 months since moving from the Dominican Republic. Man I just can't imagine. A total life change.
-Well this same member Luz Rodriguez, who gave us a friend referral, did so because we actually started talking with her and getting to know her, in hopes to meet her less active husband as well. After talking and going off on whatever rant I was going off on lol, I found out she cuts hair. So I was like SICK, this is the way we can get our "in". We can have her cut our hair and go to her house and meet her husband at the same time. Well she is just an on top of it gal haha she wasted no time at all, and happened to bring ALL her hair cutting supplies to the church that night of the chapel tour, and told us she wanted to cut it right there. Literally had no clue what to do, so I just rolled with it, and start telling her I want a good like 2 inches off and THATS IT, and next thing I know we are in the church kitchen, she puts a garbage bag over me, pushes me down onto a chair and is literally flippin my hair over the front of my head and cuts it that way and man something must have got lost in translation lol cuz like 5 inches later Hermana Dimond let out a good nice scream. LOL I panicked. Luckily I roped our ward mission leader into getting a hair cut too, so him and Sister Murdock were a great support system, well after they were finished laughing their heads off that is. (: She speaks not one lick of English and just starts doing all these things to my hair, I think I got a Brazilian blowout that night? I honestly have no clue all I know is she starts putting this chemical stuff in and the church is being filled with smoke from my hair and yep. hahahaha. I just started embracing it at that point. lol. Well you already know I MADE Sister Murdock go after me. And bless her sweet heart, I already had just cut her hair before. She is all "SUAVE LAYERS" hahaha and man she just got a whack at her hair too. She shed a few tears as we left the building! hahaha I was dying. MEMS. #neverforget
-Well the craziest part of the week probably was Saturday night when we showed up to the church to pick up our dinner that a member had brought for us. We come in and the ward was starting to have a baptism for a 15 year old girl in the ward. I am obsessed with this ward, so I was just casually talking to them all, when next thing I know, the Elders came up to us and asked us if we were ready to have a baptism? We were like what? Turns out Marsela was baptized before, but the church has no records of it, and her family is going to get sealed in the temple, and so she had to do it again, and well, when the child is over the age of 8 it is supposed to be a missionary baptism. So yep, the elders interviewed her there, and we just run and start making the programs and just threw that sucker together and had a baptism. Don't know what the wards exact plan was if we wouldn't have been there haha but it turned out great. So dumb but still funny and still just a happy day for her (: hahaha Love when you get to know a recent convert at her own baptism. She is awesome though and we are now starting to work with her family (: What a night that was!
-Then the next morning we wake up for church and after walking out of ward council to find this cute little man in the lobby and starts giving us hugs and kisses and I was just so confused. I mean the kisses thing is pretty dang normal here in the latin culture, but I just could not decide how I knew this man. I couldn't remember if he was in our ward or how I knew him. After going all the way through Sacrament, luckily Heavenly Father gave me another chance to talk to him and he put back into remembrance how I knew him!! This man came up to us asking us how he could get a book of mormon and it CLICKED! JOSE DAVID! I had totally met this guy before. He was contacted by the Sisters in this area before we got here and then called the number on the card when I got here a few months ago and I talked with him and tried visiting him once. He wasn't super wiling to commit or wanting us to come back so I didn't really think anything more of it, as he said one day he would come to church. But then months go by AND SUNDAY WAS THAT DAY! He ended up taking the BUS to church and stayed and just loved it so much and is NOW JUST READY! It is so cool to see how and when the Lord prepares people!!! Miracles.
Well now we are just preparing for this Hurricane Irma that is apparently coming and I am just saying thousands of prayers everyday that it doesn't. My thoughts and prayers have been with the people of Texas. Kinda weird when you are so out of the world and don't get to see what is happening, but from what I have seen I just am sending all my love. You all probably know better than I do what is going to happen here in Florida, but I just have no doubt that the Lord is in control and we will be watched over and protected. This is a wonderful time for us as missionaries to go out this week and just serve. Help get people ready and know that we are here.
Thanks for all your love and prayers and just for being the best. I am the luckiest gal alive.
Love you all! Have a splendid week!
Hermana Dimond
Cute little place that Sister Murdock and I found one night (: |
TUESDAYS WITH DAOLY just one of my favs (: She took us out to dinner again for the best arrepas and Venezuelan empenadas ever good grief. While we were there we had another missionary moment!! This like 50 year old cuban guy came up to us and started asking us about missionary work and what church we were apart of etc. and at the end after sharing the restoration, Sister Murdock just must have been "noddin and waving" and totally zoned out with his cuban spanish ahhaah cuz I asked him his favorite thing from "Don Pan" the restaurant that we were at, and he tells us, and immediately asks if we want one, and with no delay Sister Murdock is all "YA! (:" hahahah and he just runs over and starts buying us food. hahahaha Daoly and I were just dying. Sister Murdock felt so embarrassed and bad. I just made fun of her the whole night its fine (: love her.

So fun cuz Daoly came out knocking with us after and we ended up finding a new investigator! Daoly has only been a member for like 9 months, so it was so powerful and just getting to hear her cute testimony at doors. I just loved it! |
Went on a full day exchange with Sister Carling, and of course that morning before I came they found out they have a RAT in their house. Yep. So if anyone knows me they know how much I love mice, yet alone RATS! Good grief (: so that day was just hillarious, trying to get that all figured out. The elders were over there setting up traps, and when we came home for dinner that night, all the traps had gone off and the peanut butter was licked off, there was blood splurted on the ground, but no rat in sight. So yep, we tried again, and same thing. This thing was Houdini. So funny to see the Elders just go all survior mode trying to catch "larry" they called it. Luckily I only had to endure one night (: but Sister Carling called me two days later and they said they caught it. SO NAST! but DAD you would be SO PROUD! I was tough |
Also in Hollywood, where I was, those Sisters live like 3 minutes from the beach, so we decided to go do our exercise there. It was a good decision. |
Not too shabby of a morning. A good run on the beach and we also met one of the Elders in this missions investigator, who just has the coolest story and we have the weirdest connection. Anywho he knows Ryan Andrus. He is the one who taught him. Like BYU Ryan Andrus who was dating Lauren Hunt. Anywho, small world. Super cool guy. He has also met Elder Eyring and has been investigating for like 7 years. Really cool guy and ready to get baptized!!! Super cool morning! |
I just live in the most beautiful place! |
Yeah its been a tatch hot...... barf. |
The smoke to prove it! LOL |
and my cheer team. |
Well we are looking snazzy! |
My favorite trucks to drive past. Literally all the streets have these. I am going to miss them so much. |
And our cute trip for the weekend (: |
and US AND MARSELA!!! after her baptism haha (: |
The Elders. Elder Jones and Elder Vazquez. We share a ward with them. |
We got so lucky, because Sister Beckstrand and Bingham had to give a temple tour to an investigator, so we drove them, so Sister Murdock and I just got to chill for like and hour on the grounds and it was the best thing in the world. |
My favorite humans! |
Took the Sisters out to lunch (: to bolay |
and the water supply here is just a joke, enjoy (:
Also my next pday isn't until next friday so we will talk more then! we will see how bad this thing hits! HOPE FOR THE BEST! xoxoxoxoxo love you all to pieces |
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