MAN I'M HERE AND JUST SMILING AND HAPPY AS EVER because we had transfer calls and..... dun dun dun..... SISTER STAFFIERI AND I ARE BOTH STAYING HERE IN BOYNTON BEACH! Oh we just tackled each other and were screaming that we didn't even hear the rest of the call for what else is happening in our zone with other transfers hahah but all is well. We are just ready to go so hard and see even more miracles this transfer. We work together so well so I am really excited.
This week was a little bit of a slower one but still miracles for days. I have just the strongest testimony of the Lord's perfect timing. I cannot even deny it there has just been too many experiences.
Well this week a few of the highlights:
-We decided to get a little festive here in this summer weather and carve some pumpkins as a zone. Ya Sister Staffieri and I also tried to just be creative and cool and do "the plan of salvation" and yeah that definitely turned out terrible, so the pumpkin immediately went into the trash, but it was the thought that counts. The pumpkin seeds we made after were better anyways (:
-Halloween consisted of us knocking at an apartment complex and catching this large Haitian man doing laps around the building and finding out he had previously talked with missionaries, so we did just quite a few laps with him teaching him the Restoration. Good guy. Prepping for the treats I guess.
-Knocked a woman's door this week and her first words were, "What do you want? Make it snappy." I just tried to keep it together and not laugh. "Make it snappy?" Haha, what does that even mean. Ya she slammed the door at me.
-A cute Colombian woman came to church this week and they definitely asked me to translate the fast and testimony meeting for her.... Oh wow I was a bit rusty. But it was amazing to realize although I was terrible, the Lord has helped me obtain a gift that I can use for the rest of my life. But man it really made me realize I still gotta put the work in. I am losing it quick!
-We saw a name on our ward list that we did not know so at 8:30 at night we decided to just try. This sweet less active woman opens up the door and we hear a little bit of her story and her reasoning for not going to church. Basically she truly just was not converted at the time of her baptism and she has a problem with coffee and tea. But we talked and the Spirit was so strong and we just threw down with love about her needing to stop and she loved it and was like "come back". We walked away to our car and Sister Staffieri and I both just look at each other and were like, "WHAT just happened? We literally threw down on that woman that she needed to stop and she loved it?" Haha, best less active visit we ever did. You truly can reprove anything with true Christ like love.
-A really cool miracle this week happened while I was on an exchange with another Sister. She came here to Boynton beach and we were knocking doors in a little neighborhood, and during I felt very impressed that we needed to leave and go to these certain apartment buildings. So I followed the prompting and we went and when we pulled up I immediately saw this guy standing on this balcony of the third floor on one of the buildings a little in the distance. We decided we would go there. We started at the bottom floor planning to work our way to the top "casually" to talk to him, and as we were knocking we hear him calling from the third floor, "nobody lives there", which we immediately replied, "thank you so much" and then a few doors later he was still paying attention to us as he then said, "hey that persons car is definitely here, try them again" haha. This man was just leading us exactly where we needed to go and helping out the work #elect. So finally we go up to him and he straight up asks US if we are Christian. We begin to talk and after hearing his story and his background Joseph Smiths story absolutely touched his soul and he was just overcome with the Spirit. He said that the second we pulled up and he saw me he knew he needed to talk to us, to hear what we had to say and he wants to know if it is true. It was a very powerful experience and really taught me yet again to heed all the promptings of the Spirit in order to be ready and worthy of the Lord's miracles.
Lots more wonderful things the Lord is doing here but just not enough time. I just couldn't be happier. I love this area and my crazy nuts ward. But I am just so happy for the things I am learning. I love being a missionary.
I hope you all enjoy this week and are enjoying the cold. I now know why people live in Florida. The winters are just blessed. haha
Love you all lots. Thanks for your prayers. I can feel them.
Hermana Dimond
When the Elders prank you back. |
Gotta love them |
A day in the life with Staff |
We are disgusting! |
Our zone carving |
My Zone! |
Our hideous Plan of Salvation, lol |
LOADS OF AUTHENTIC INDIAN FOOD THIS WEEK. My mouth loved every second but our stomachs were feelin it man. So much good food this week though! |
Some cute Sisters in our zone. I went on an exchange with sister Albrect (: |
Cute Elder Jones headin' home. Peace out kid. RIP |
So straight up ate real authentic Chinese food - Best day of my life! |
Cute Jenny is a recent convert and her husband is not a member |
We had the coolest lesson with him and he thinks he is ready to start taking the lessons. So cool ! |
And then our BBQ dinner with the Lopez family from bolivia. |
Alejandra was goign to a culture dance that night so showed us her gettup for the night (: |
I just love the culture here |
Sister Thurman drew me lol |
This horse dog. The Harm's dog. Literally just mounting Sister Staffieri hahah! |
And Sister Staffieri saw a taco truck. Tears were shed? Uya it was one of those days! |
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